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On set with Johnny

Johnny Sanchez, set of A through M

Johnny, on set of 'A through M'

Johnny, as the Clown in Transformers

Johnny as 'the Clown' in the film Transformers

Johnny, in Transformers with Carlos

Scene in Transformers, with Carlos Moreno, Jr.

Transformers, with Michael Bay

Johnny, with Michael Bay & Carlos Moreno Jr. on set of Transfomers

With Steve Martin in Bowfinger

Johnny, with Steve Martin in the film Bowfinger

On set of 'Specials'

Johnny, with Georgina Richardson on the set of 'Specials'

Set of 'Specials'

Johnny, on set of 'Specials' with Georgina Richardson and Natalie Gee

Johnny, on set of the film '212'

Johnny, with Michelle Luchese on the set of '212'

Johnny, on set of the film '212'

Johnny, with Michelle Luchese on the set of '212'

Johnny, on set of the film '212'

Johnny, on set of the film '212'

Johnny, on set of the film '212'

Johnny, on the set of the film '212'

LAByrinth's Trail of her Inner Thigh

Johnny, in Trail of her Inner Thigh presented by LAByrinth Theater Company

LAByrinth's Trail of her Inner Thigh

Johnny, in Trail of her Inner Thigh presented by LAByrinth Theater Company

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